How to Setup Athlete-Specific Logins [PF Website]

Note: athletes under age 13 are restricted from having an athlete-specific login. The error message “Too Young” will appear when attempting to create for any athlete under age 13.

Note: All passwords require at least 8 characters and at least one number.

  1. Sign in to a PlayerFirst website.

  2. On the left navigation, click My Profile.

  3. Click Username & Password.

  4. Athlete-Specific Logins: click next to the athlete.

  5. Username: type out username.

  6. Password: type out password.

  7. Click Save.

  8. A pop-up will appear stating Profile-Specific Username Updated.

  9. Click Dismiss.

  10. The new Username will now appear next to the athlete in the Athlete-Specific Logins section.

    1. To change the Athlete-Specific Login password, click .

    2. Type out a new password.

    3. Click Save.